Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Total Body Cleanse - Pre-start

Something came into my inbox the other day from Cambridge Naturals that got me thinking. Thinking about colon cleanses. Do I need one? Do I? After reading myriad articles and experiences online, I decided to get to CN to scope out the options.

Lucky me! CN staff is knowledgeable on cleanses and can help me build my own, or recommend a pre-packaged one. As a novice cleanser, PP is touted as the way to go.

We (a coupla staffers and I) got down to the nitty gritty and exchanged lots of non-cocktail party conversation. I left with a boxed seven-day, rapid-cleanse program in my handbag.

I was about to toss the receipt when I got home, but stopped. Did I really want to do this? Will I be tied to the toilet for seven days? Will I hurt? Vomit? Fever? Is this safe? Should I have chosen the 14-day gentler, organic cleanse? Should I call my doc first?

A little voice inside me said: Jen, you're doing this. Alright, alright, but when? Shouldn't I wait until the day after I go skydiving? Thoughts of being in a plane wearing the gear or strapped to some dude as I jump came to mind - what if I had to, you know, go? I mean, we are talking about the Rapid Cleanse, after all, and atmospheric pressure could do weird things to a gal's colon.

Again, the voice: You're starting tomorrow morning as soon as you return from the gym. Fine. This would give me several days pre-jump to see how my body responds. I read through the instructions and mentally prepared for whatever may happen.

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