Monday, August 16, 2010

Total Body Cleanse - Day 2-7

Am finally posting the remainder of my cleansing experience. I followed the direx, and noticed nothing. Somehow, I expected to feel renewed, rejuvenated, lighter, something, anything, but nope.

On day 8, I went back to the store and talked with the woman who helped me choose the cleanse. When I said that I did not feel any different, she thought perhaps I was already "clean" and did I want to try a kidney cleanse next? Hm, interesting. And no.

But I did buy some aloe juice which I drink like a cocktail over ice.

In retrospect, maybe my sweat is less odorific? I dunno, all I can say is that I'm glad I tried it and figure it couldn't have hurt, only helped.

And, yes, this was a bucket-list item that I can cross off.

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