Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Look before crossing

38:41, two traffic stops, two tissue breaks (maybe 20 seconds, but who's counting?)
9:26 pace w/o accounting for stops (but again, who's counting??)

Hands cold at first, but fine later.
First hill on Lowell went really well - no prob at all. Short hill on Walden seemed tougher. Which is comical to me.

And really, Jen, starting earlier would be in your best interest. Especially if you're going to look AS you cross the street. Didn't your mama teach you to look both ways BEFORE crossing? Yeah, thought so. At least the driver was paying attention. And at least you have quick reflexes in case the driver was texting or something stupid. Still, though - safety first.

Hey, I double-knotted my shoe laces this time - doesn't that count for something?

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