Sunday, September 26, 2010

Big Ring Gummie


Warming up before starting the 6.9 (and clock) was helpful. My goal was to run without stopping. Admittedly, I did walk part of it - about a quarter mile maybe, maybe less, maybe more. Specific, eh?

My mind wasn't in it today. Suck. I ran with two other people, but our paces weren't in sync today and it was very distracting. Although, because Michael ran most of the pond just ahead of me (so we couldn't really talk) I felt compelled to push myself to run faster to catch him (which I never did til much later).

I brought an individually-wrapped, single-serving Big Ring Gummie (I'd never heard of them either until I bought a big bag of 'em at CVS this morning) for a mid-run push. Not sure it helped, but I wanted to try something portable for an energy boost. It's kind of a pain to deal with it while running - opening the wrapper, stuffing the wrapper back in my tiny interior key pocket, then occasionally burping cherry. At least I didn't have to spit today. Oh, and that's attractive, let me tell you. So ladylike.

I wonder if the gel packets are any better? Clif makes some. I bet the ingredients are superior. At 5:30am my options were limited, though.

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