Thursday, September 16, 2010

flat run with sprints
(I forgot to press start on my stopwatch, but under 30 min.)

Didn't want to get up the morning. What's the deal with the sun rising later? Who decided? That doesn't work for me.

I think I need one of those lights that turns on gradually, mimicking the sun.

Luckily, there was a text from Michael that he wanted to join me. I responded in my morning fog and he said 6am. I think the only reason I got out of bed early was because of that text.

Picked up speed along Garden and again on Mass (going SE) approaching Davenport
Sprints* on Shepard, Blake and Russell**.

*It must be noted that my sprints and Michael's differ significantly - he is much faster.
**This sucked. Period.

Maybe nearly back-to-back sprinting (B and R) is not the way to go.

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