Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nice morning for a run


39:10 min

Warmer than Sunday (yay!).

My goal was to run 4 miles in 36 minutes, but I decided I'd be okay with 4 in 40.

I think I was dehydrated since I was kinda nauseous for the last half mile, and dizzy post-run. Scratch that. I know I was dehydrated. Which is plain stupid.

Must. Drink. Water.

But the dehydration is not an excuse for not hitting the 36-minute mark. I know I need to train harder to get faster.

I also need to relax. I was actually nervous when I left the house this morning. Silly, perhaps, but true. I was anxious about meeting my goal. My hands were shaking as I folded tissues to tuck into my waist band.

Speaking of, does anyone's nose run while they run? It's annoying because I'm trying to breathe, but a little snot is getting in the way. Gross. If I had a sleeve, I'd wipe the drip, but I'm wearing tanks.

1 comment:

  1. The thing about running a little later (got a late start this morning) is that traffic is heavier. I was lucky that pedestrians got out of my way (thank you!) and many cars kindly let me go, but still got hung at two lights. I stopped my watch at one, and let it run at the other. But both stops were brief. Note to self: leave earlier.
